Day 0 - time to pack

Is time to start packing!
Eventually after 5 months of work and life in Sydney, we are ready to start to get ready for our first long trip! I'm beyond excited. I've been dreaming about Bali since always. Probably, what made me the most dreamin about was the book from Elizabeth Gilbert, "Eat, Pray & Love", consequently the movie had a strong impact on me too, in such a way that I was looking very forward to visit Bali sooner or later.
And now ?
I'm finally ready to go. It will be such a great experience I'm sure! I can actually say that I've never been in Asia before and Indonesia will be on our list! Our first stop will be Darwin though, we decided to fly there and get the connection at night. Our first flatmate her, Evan told us that in Darwin you can get a closer look on what the Australian society looks like. We'll see.

I've got so many great expectations for the coming days, also our last holiday was in Dominican Republic. I guess it will be very similar, people and landscape wise. The thought of exploring a new culture, new food, new people make me feel really great. Hopefully it will last long! Holidays for me doesn't mean resorts, expensive food and beauty treatments. Melting with the local communities and being able to understand them is the most I can desire from my holidays. I want to come back fulfilled and happy. Hopefully I will get to see monkeys for the first time and perhaps turtles!!



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