As promised, today I've got a new update, a little post about the Vivid Festival, where I was this afternoon. This festival is where art, technology, design, music and a bit of magic for me, meet together, creating a breathtaking game of emotions.
Last night I was having dinner with two of my friends and after we wanted to go to the Vivid, we found out that the lights are turned off relatively early (11pm), so by the time we've got to Circular Quay everything was dark and the air extremely cold, so we had to go back home! Today I woke up and decided to withstand the cold and come back again. It was one of the most magical and enveloping things I've been to. I recommend going after 8pm because I found a lot of families and children and especially if you are a lover of your square meter of living space, as I am, it might be a bit too much.
The installations are impressive and the care they are made with is impeccable. Everything is designed for the individual, no age restriction, everything open to everyone. One thing I liked, is that the also had space designing for wheelchairs users, in order for everyone to get a good view!
I have been guided by the magic of the moment, without worrying to have to move with a group or without the need to apologise if I wanted to stop longer to get a better shoot, or just play with my camera (which I started again to enjoy!). It's good to see how events like this can unite people and how they make you realise more about the world we live in today.
Many people have told me that it is just "a show of lights, which you probably enjoy only if you're stoned." Personally, I am very happy to have taken part and I will remember in the months ahead that it was nice time to be cradled by all these light games without worrying about the people around you, but simply living the moment with yourself and being grateful of precious time you get with yourself by living abroad.🌕
One of the best moment, was whilst I was waiting for the lights to be turned one. I felt like I wasn't the only one and people were just walking on the pier. It was a very surreal moment. |
This is one of the shot I'm most proud of. It was taken around 5,45pm ISO:100 F/25 s/101.1 |
This is the Opera house lit for Vivid. |
One of exhibition on the street |
A tree completely cover in plastic bottle |
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