Nothing and none else to add.
To be honest I didn't have a lot of time to keep writing on my blog. But hopefully with the new season I'm going to have plenty of time to do it.
Let's start with ...
a new house ?
Roomate sleeping with a little black cat called Huna |
About just a month ago some colleagues and I moved to our new place in Streatham. Is a groundfloor + basement in a lovely victorian house. Was hard to find something that could reach each need, but at the end we done it and the 28th in the morning we were already in our house. Is something really different from my lovely attic in High Road Leytonstone, something that means more responsibility, more respect and more friends around... That's just great is hardly impossible to be alone in the house, but the thing is if you want to be alone, you can! Everyone has his own room, just Teresa and I are sharing, but how can say.. she's just one of the most perfect thing/person that London has given me.
..Let's talk about our
garden ? Huna, has completely gone wild. He loves to stay around bringing often worms and disgusting insects of any kinds. But I just love him jumping here and there without worrying about spaces.
The new house brought us many visitors, my guests were my father and sister who have been sharing with us for 20 days, contrary to what many people would think, has been a pleasure to me staying with them, even though especially one person had always to complain about something, that's my family and if I have the chance to spend with them some extra time it gives me just power enough to keep going with this hard life that is the londoner's one. My father, this man, helped me to keep my head in right place when I thought everything was lost, indeed even being mad at me, I've done everything that was supposed to be done... And that's make me feel cheerful and full of energy for what's coming up.
Friends that came over for the summer and really old friends that London gave me when I arrived. |
My sister in a field. I was in Hampstead with my father and her. |
When I went to Brighton for the second time with Monica, Paolo, Marco some friends who they made over there and..My father and sister. Was one of the nicest day in Summer.
How does she looked free ? |
The next event after we moved was ( better to say, otherwise I'm going to forget myself about that sooner or later ) my birthday, I did not want anyone to say anything, any gift, any celebration, any cake. ...Actually was like that, but still was a nice day, where everybody were thinking about me. Cuddles ? I guess so. Jon Hopkins concert? I love Teresa.
SW4 in
Clapham Common, that day won't get lost in my mind. Never been to a party, festival, call whichever way you want, like this! 10hrs of music, people, party, music, people, party.. again, again, again. Loads of Dj were playing there Sven Vath, Steve Aoki, Knife Party and these are just some of the ones we wanted to listen. Was incredible being there in a mountain of mud, dancing with the ankles stuck in there without knowing for how long you would have been able to keep your balance. At the end of the day we came back completely destroyed and not even that late, everybody were working, but after such a day I guess the tiredness is just something that you feel but is not really pressing on you.
...Later on, finally, we arrive to my holidays. That I'm spending as most of the times in Italy with my parents. I just came back from a week of sea, sun, beach and proper summer in Elba with my father, sister and little nephew and now I'm ready to stay for five days more with my mother! I arrived in Ovada with a good tan and a cheerful soul, the only thing that made me sad was when my father told me that I wouldn't be able to sleep in my bedroom. So now I'm in my sister's one whilst she's sleeping on the small loft in the kitchen. ...I'm feeling really weird. That room used to be mine and used to be quite different. Now there's wood on the walls and loads of One directions' posters, the window is still there, amazing and big as always.. a pleasant night breeze is coming from outside and it seems to me like when I was young and during the summer I used to seat on a big pillow on the floor, reading magic and fantasy books with candles and incenses around me. I miss sometimes all of it, was, is part of me. The little me that is going around this house, when the big and grown one is London surviving every day.. And now that University is going to start everything will be so much difficult perhaps, I'll be stressed, I'll get paranoid. But everything is gonna be alright. As always.
Chilling time ; |
My old man. ♡ |
My nephew Francesco in holidays with us; |
A beautiful twilight; |
Being here for a while means seeing again people, friends, the ones that are really close, the ones with you used to dress with, have dinner, talk, cry. |
And the last special thing that are giving me my holidays.. is that little boy who's growing as fast as the time is passing and who always seems cheerful.
We are young, we can do whatever we need and want to do.
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