Just having sometimes for me, myself and I.

Nothing and none else to add. To be honest I didn't have a lot of time to keep writing on my blog. But hopefully with the new season I'm going to have plenty of time to do it. Let's start with ... a new house ? Roomate sleeping with a little black cat called Huna About just a month ago some colleagues and I moved to our new place in Streatham. Is a groundfloor + basement in a lovely victorian house. Was hard to find something that could reach each need, but at the end we done it and the 28th in the morning we were already in our house. Is something really different from my lovely attic in High Road Leytonstone, something that means more responsibility, more respect and more friends around... That's just great is hardly impossible to be alone in the house, but the thing is if you want to be alone, you can! Everyone has his own room, just Teresa and I are sharing, but how can say.. she's just one of the most perfect thing/person that London has given me. ....