Different house different colour same sofa.

"Where do you live?" "Anywhere" That's thr obvious answer I've got everytime somebody's asking me. I don't have bed, I don't have room, I don't have a proper space to leave my stuff. He, my friend, yesterday told me. "You miss your space, the time to put your music on, the time to reach your greatest creativity in ur own thoughts" "Right." But what shall I do ? If my heart and my mind don't have any time to rest and being quiet. I just follow my feelings, ending every time perhpas under the same roof. But in a different space. If I think that this one is the closest way to have a relationship.. I'm wrong. And I know that. Can I do something about ? Do I need a doctor ? Or medicine ? Trying ur best to be strong, to let understand people that you don't mind. That it could be in that way cause for you is fine. Having thousands of questions that none understand. Being ignored everytime you try to talk about ...