When you find out that your personality has not changed

This kind of things never change. I mean talking about people.. When you see your people the one with who you used to grew up.. When you find out that your personality has not changed and you can be the same that you used to be with them is fantastic. No need to pretend to be someone else no need to hide anything about yourself. Cause there's nothing that needs to... I love it. I'm living in this world that is keeping me away from my world.. Even though I don't really know which is my real one, is like living in a half way where you keep talking about your two life hoping that one day they can be together in a very real big one , but that's impossible.. You cannot mix blue and red without obtaining purple as you cannot mix those two life without having as a results a mess... I've been so happy and lad today , my best friends were here in London and I could see them as we were in my home town. That sounded odd to me.. Francesca said that she felt weird today see...