People vs Behaviors

The will to say anything. The need to shut. I must don't forget that this is a public blog and that I cannot write whatever bullshit I'd like to. I'd like to talk about the people, about any kind of people, about the ones in the streets, the ones with who I work with, the ones are taking piss of me and I don't understand why. The ones that are far but I never forget, the ones that need someone who might take look after them. I was in the tube with a colleague and I could not took my eyes off from an apparently old lady who was reading a Holy Bible and writing notes on it. I turned to my friend and I said him without stop looking at her " I cannot stop to look at her" and he said "Yeah, I cannot too". My feelings were really confused. I don't know what I was feeling, but was something from the inside that was impossible to keep under control.. Then..? Many people keep being rude between each others. And I still cannot understand that. Ho...