it's gonna be my ruined

I don't know how I am supposed to feel but all the time since I started to read books when I finish one is like something really little changes in me, feelings, way to act, points of view. Perhaps some changes are temporary, actually most of them are, but some are permanent and It doesn't need to be explained is just something which is brought out from yourself, you cannot deal with that, not at all, It doesn't hurt, it doesn't make you feel better or worst, it just changes. Charlie has changed me. And I feel it, like when you are in summer at the seaside and you just let floating yourself in the sea and suddenly a tall wave come to slip away your trips and making you swallow liters of water. If I had to describe it I'd definitely do in this way. When you're reading about someone who seems exactly passing through what you're passing in or you passed is always rather shocking than whatever else someone's story could be told you since those things are ...