
Visualizzazione dei post da settembre, 2012

Having a nice "english" dinner with a really old friend and her half !

Taking home people from our city is such a pleasure! Especially when they are so welcomed. Is like introducing our life to them.  "Look now this one is my life. I want you to know how I'm living."  That's so important to me. To make them part of that, feeling them closer than when I was living in Italy. It's like home.  I love it in all of its form.  Having a chat, eating some junk food mixed with a traditional plate of pasta with tomato sause.  And after the sweet taste of a big slice of chocolate cheesecake.  Sooner I want to do a real album of pictures. I want to have them in paper too so I can feel them... ♡ Portare a casa persone della propria città è proprio un piacere ! Specialmente quando sono così ben voluti ! E' come introdurre la propria vita a loro!  "Guarda questa adesso è la mia vita! Voglio che tu sappia come vivo." Questo è veramente importante per me ! Fare in modo che ne...

Sweet Nothin

I had some pictures, but I didn't have anything to write. Nothing that might be worth something. I had just my sunday. Have you got an idea of the funniest thing? I took a shower, dressed up. I was almost ready to go out when I suddenly realized that I was without my travel card. I'd forgotten it in my parka and Andrea was wearing it. Jeez!  I was pretty disperate, I felt like in a jail, the weather wasn't good enough to persuade me to buy a one day travel card. So before deciding to go out with my pois umbrella I took some pictures ,then I went to buy a grinded coffee's pack. ( didn't want to be without it on Monday morning! Nothing would be worse than that! ) That's it! During the afternoon I'd have nice Skype calls with my father and one friend of mine in Italy, with him we've been dreaming about USA. Was like being there!  After, when the conversation ended, I found out that I was in London. Not enough , but still pretty good. Ho...

Rainy Sunday Morning

This post drives me crazy  ! I'm completely fell in love with the pictures and how she built the post ! She's interested in fashion, but I think in a different way! Jeez ! I just wanted post her blog to show what she's done. It's amazing ! Don't you think ?  Blog Loads of people has blog! Sometimes is just because you want a little piece of virtual world to show how you feel in front of the world. Sometimes is just because you feel as you have something to say to the whole world. And sometimes ( we have this case too! ) is just because you have a tongue..well...fingers, and time to waste. I was thinking about all of it. And at the end I thought that carry on with a blog is like let taking life to your mind, your dreams and your ideal type of life.  Today is sunday and probably yesterday would be better if I accepted to work instead of planning to go somewhere. The weather is terrible and is impossible to anywhere. I'll start my reclusion as hou...

Looking for a further signal

Ci piaceva andare in giro al lunedì mattina perché entrambi liberi da lavoro . Senza la minima idea dell'ora che fosse, del fatto che avessimo qualcosa da fare o meno. Semplicemente, camminare per il parco, scattarsi qualche piccola foto e piacersi nel mentre.  Guardarsi attorno, con i ragazzi che fanno jogging, le coppie abbracciate sul prato ed l'autunno che intanto arriva.  Abbiamo un sacco di passioni , non ci possiamo accontentare. Una volta finita una cosa, dobbiamo farne un'altra. E questa ci deve dare immensa gioia! E la vita sarà bella. - We enjoyed going around on Monday morning because both of us free from work. No idea of the time or if we had to do something or not. Simply walk through the park, taking a few small photos and liking each other. Look around with the boys jogging, couples hugging on the grass and meanwhile the autumn coming. We've loads of passions, we can't be satisfied. Once we have finished one thing, we have...

What goes around comes around

There's a period of time in which a song could take you somewhere else.  Just closing your eyes and listening.  Drops of tears on your skin.  And you feel like someone took off a heavy stone from your chest. Perhaps the things now are going better at all.  - C'era un certo periodo di tempo in cui una canzone poteva portarti da qualche altra parte.  Solo chiudendo i tuoi occhi e sentendo.  Gocce di lacrime sulla tua pelle.  E tu ti sentivi come se qualcuno avesse tolto un masso pesante dal tuo petto.  Forse le cose andranno meglio a tutti.

The summer comes for me too !

I'm writing with the tan still on my skin and the good mood next to the stars.  I'm back from my holiday at the seaside!I was fine, my suitcase contained just a couple of summer clothes that I couldn't wear for a while. Simple but warm colors, something white, something floral sandals and a pair of bikini. Books to keep the brain active, the iPod, my SLR camera around my neck. Nothing complicated! Not too much jewelry, no makeup on me. I'm enjoying my last days of vacation in my town, Ovada. The return home is becoming less important every time, now I like to come back say hello to those dear friends that I can count on the hand's fingers, spend the evening talking and then go home, don't sleep too much to get up early and don't waste a morning sleeping.  Playing with my dog, kidding with my sister and start looking what clothes take home. This time the trip will be extremely long as I leave from Milan. But I really want to go back to London ! ...